良平FA1004电子分析天平 产品特点: · 流畅新颖的外形设计,体现了对现代理念的追求。 · 新一代电磁式称量传感器,使产品的进度有了可靠的**。 · 具有全自动故障检测,自动校准,**载保护等多种应用程序。 · 设有计件、百分比、单位转换等功能,操作简便、可靠。 · 内置RS232C接口,可直接连接计算机、打印机等。 Feature: Artificai design﹐originative structure ﹐hansome appearance and supreme function. New generation of electromagnetic gauge transducer reliably guaranties the precision of zhe products. With mang application proguams ﹐such as automatic fault detection﹐auto-calibra-tion﹐over-loading protection and so on. Having zhe functions of counting﹐percentage calculation and unit conversion etc﹐zhe operation is simple and reliable. Installed with RS232C interface inside﹐zhe products can be directly connected to computer and printers ets. FA/MA系列电子分析天平 技术参数 Specification 型号 技术参数 秤盘尺寸 价格(元/台 含税) 配置 FA1004 100g/0.1mg ф90mm 6300.00 校正砝码 砰盘 RS232接口 下秤 FA1104 110g/0.1mg ф90mm 6400.00 FA1604 160g/0.1mg ф90mm 6800.00 FA2004 200g/0.1mg ф90mm 7000.00 FA2104 210g/0.1mg ф90mm 7100.00 MA110 110g/0.1mg ф90mm 6300.00 MA200 210g/0.1mg ф90mm 7000.00